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Technical Team

The technical team has primary responsibility for drafting the specification and developing documentation, templates, samples and tools.

There are many ways in which you can participate on the technical team and/or help spread the adoption of the SPDX. They include helping with the specification, helping to maintain the web pages you see here, getting involved in the tools development (as a developer or tester), helping with documentation, being a beta tester for new versions of the specification and tools or even just hanging out and listening to what’s being said.


  • The first thing you should do is join our mailing list. This is the primary form of communication that we use. There is really no formality to using the list so just speak up. If you are a new user giving a short introduction of whom you are and what your interests are is always a good idea. Heck you can even just say hello. To join the mailing list click here.
  • SPDX uses Slack for discussing SPDX coding projects and tools and tooling — primarily technical, though anyone interested in the project definitions or implementation is welcome to join here:
  • Issues against the SPDX Tools, Specification, Website and so forth may be entered via our GitHub for the relevant project.
  • We do have a Wiki, but have most have moved most of our work to GitHub. It contains a vast amount of historical data, which can be accessed: 

Team Leads

  • Gary O’Neall
  • Kate Stewart
  • William Bartholomew

Specification Profile Leads

  • Core & Software — William Bartholomew, Gary O’Neall
  • Licensing — Steve Winslow, Alexios Zavras
  • Security — Thomas Steenbergen, Jeff Schutt, Rose Judge
  • AI Profile — Karen Bennet,  Gopi Krishnan Rajbahadur
  • Dataset Profile — Gopi Krishnan Rajbahadur,  Kate Stewart
  • Build Profile — Brandon Lum, Nisha Kumar
  • Lite — Norio Kobota, Takashi Ninjouji, Yoshiyuki Ito
  • Serialization — Alexios Zavras, Maximilian Huber
  • Usage — Norio Kobota, Takashi Ninjouji, Yoshiyuki Ito
  • Functional Safety — Nicole Pappler, Kate Stewart
  • Software as a Service — Gary O’Neall, Nisha Kumar, Prasad Iyer
  • Hardware — Kate Stewart (in formation)
  • Operations — Matthew Crawford, Marcell Kurzmann, Ummo Schwarting