News & Announcements
Aug 4, 2021
Linux Foundation Supply Chain Townhall
The Linux Foundation will be hosting a supply chain townhall virtually on August 18, 2021. View this link for details: Linux Foundation Town Hall
Mar 8, 2021
License List v3.12 released
The version 3.12 release of the license list is now tagged and live at 10 new licenses were added to the list.
Feb 1, 2021
There are a number of talks and rooms around SPDX at FOSSDEM 2021 February 6 and 7. See the software composition track:
Nov 28, 2020
License List v3.11 released
The version 3.11 release of the license list is now tagged and live at This release included a smaller number of new licenses than some of the recent prior releases, as much of this release cycle has seen a greater focus on the "licensing profile" updates for the main…
Sep 16, 2020
SPDX Tools have a new Home
Greetings to the community, We are excited about the hosting of the SPDX tools on a more robust and hopefully permanent platform. A new URL for the SPDX online tools is now be available at We want to thank everyone for using the tools and providing us with valuable…