News & Announcements
Jan 10, 2023
Why you should use SPDX for security
Dec 12, 2022
An update on the SPDX python-tools
Authors: Armin Tänzer, Meret Behrens, Nicolaus Weidner, and Maximilian Huber Progress With The SPDX Python Tools Discussions regarding the development and direction of the SPDX Python tools often happen in the weekly meetings or smaller rounds and are not always visible to interested parties. This blog post intends to fill this gap, providing a condensed version of what…
Sep 10, 2021
SPDX examples repo
We are pleased to announce a new repository in the SPDX GitHub organization to provide illustrative examples of SPDX software bills of materials (SBOMs).
Sep 9, 2021
SPDX Specification is now an ISO Standard
After much hard work and anticipation, we are proud to announce that the SPDX Specification is now an ISO Standard! We want to thank everyone who helped make this happen. This represents a significant milestone for the project and will help industry adoption of standardized Software Bill of Materials. Specification:…
Aug 8, 2021
License List v3.14 released
The version 3.14 release of the license list is now tagged and live at 13 new licenses were added to the list.