Greetings to the community,
We are excited about the hosting of the SPDX tools on a more robust and hopefully permanent platform. A new URL for the SPDX online tools is now be available at
We want to thank everyone for using the tools and providing us with valuable feedback and to those who helped donate for the new hosting via the SPDX Community Bridge for the online tools.
A new version of the online tools implementing several enhancements and an improved deployment infrastructure is currently in test. Once the testing and the upgrade is complete in 2 to 4 weeks, any previous links used for the tools will no longer be available, so be sure to bookmark the new location.
The new version has the following enhancements:
- License submittals will now check for existing license matches
- If there is an exact match, the application will inform the user and not accept the new submittal
- If there is a close match, the user is presented with the differences and can chose to submit an issue that the licenses should match, or chose to submit a new license request
- A higher performance license matching implementation
- A license namespace registry has been added to allow organizations to submit license namespace requests
- Various application enhancements and fixes
If you find any issues or would like to request any enhancements, please add them to the spdx-online-tools Issues list.
Thanks to the many students, mentors and SPDX team members who have contributed to the online tools including Rohit who was the originator of the online tools and mentor to many students, Smith who contributed the namespace functionality, Umang who implemented the improved license submittal, Mehant who contributed the Docker deployment implementation, and Steve who help us obtain the new URL.